

About the Haven

I'm Jen!

A "haven" is a safe place. My last name is Heindl. So, this is a safe place for me. The bonus is that it's a safe place for you, too. The world can be a harsh place. The internet can be a virtual shark tank. My goal here is to create a space that's a haven from the judgement, comparison, and busyness that swirls around us everywhere else. 

There's no rocket science happening here. No major breakthroughs or earth-shattering revelations. Just me and you sitting here and sharing some life. I'll be talking about my life - I'm a wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend. I'm a follower of Christ and sometimes I just mess it all up, but I love Him and I love how He loves me. 

Our family lives in a little bungalow in suburban Kentucky. 5 people in 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. That's bound to come up here in the Haven from time to time. My husband, Jim, and I have been married since 2004 and we have 3 kids - our son, Graer, who was born in 2005; our daughter, Audrey, who was born in 2007; and our daughter, Nora, who was born in 2014.

Like I said, its just life around here. I'm going to share some of mine and I hope you'll share some of yours, too.

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