

Looking for Lovely

Today I’m featuring a guest post from my awesome friend, Sandy Baumer! She is a reader. I am also a reader, but I am currently unable to process any written words coming into my brain because I have three small people who require nearly all of my bandwidth and then I’m sending words out of my brain here sometimes. So, basically, reading and I are at an impasse at the moment. Enter Sandy!
Sandy will act as our surrogate reader. She will read all the words and tell us what we need to know! Yay! She’s got a great book for us today. I hope you enjoy! Take it away, friend…

Reading. One of my favorite things to do. FA-VOR-ITE. Me and a bookstore = all the heart emojis. Once I was flying home from a Women’s Conference and had to pay the airline extra because my luggage had way surpassed the suggested weight limit for the Boeing 747. Culprit of said overage… new books from the “on site” bookstore. Really…ask Jen. She never needs to buy another book in her life. She stops by my house, peruses my numerous book shelves and done. 

Jen and I stalk follow numerous authors on social media. So, when she texted me and alerted me to the fact that one of our favorites, Annie F. Downs, was looking for people to sign up to be on the LAUNCH TEAM for her new book, Looking for Lovely, the palpitations started. Sign me up.

The lovely Annie F. Downs!
As I was reading, highlighting and underlining everything that stood out to me, I was also thinking, I want to share my thoughts about this book with everyone!  And then I’m thinking, wow…I would love to read a lot of books (which are already on said shelf) and share my thoughts with everyone.  What better way than to hijack the Heindl Haven (best blog ever!) and share some book reviews.  Seriously, so excited that I get to share the blessed words of some of these authors with you and thank you, Jen, for letting me hang out in the Haven with you! LYLAS

“And when I see ugly on the outside-whether it is my body or my circumstances or the hurt in the world, the processing in my heart isn’t much better-and the storm from out there usually ends up inside me.”  
Oh, Annie F. Downs. You had me hooked with this quote from page 2I knew from that sentence that this book was special. Well, it was more than special…it was exceptional. Looking for Lovely is a very personal story of how Gods amazing grace and perseverance transformed Annie’s life. She reveals her broken places and learns to appreciate those places of weakness as much as she appreciates her strengths.

Annie will take you on a journey of Looking for Lovely amid the confusion, hurt and ugly of your life. She uses personal examples and biblical truth to help you see the path God has paved for you and to encourage you to find the beautiful in every single day! I don’t know about you, but I know I need that reminder every day - every hour sometimes! 

I know in my own life that is something that I’m striving to do EVERY DAY. Do not concentrate on everything that is wrong with you, Sandy, accept those things. Those things are making you the woman GOD meant for you to be. Celebrate those weakness right beside of the strengths! Annie writes three words that made me stop in my tracks. TRUST THE PATH. She said God put this statement on her heart, “Trust The Path”. 
“I don’t have to know where things are going; I don’t have to know the destination; I just have to trust the path.”
I am learning to trust this path I’m on and look for all the lovely that I find along the way.
 Life is hard. I think we can always benefit from sitting down with a friend and just sharing your story and encouraging each other on. Reading this book will encourage you. Take some time to yourself today and go Looking for Lovely.

Looking for Lovely is available for pre-order NOW and will be released April 5th. The official book website is You can find Annie F. Downs on Instagram & Twitter @anniefdowns and on Facebook by searching Annie F. Downs.

Thanks, Sandy! You’re awesome!

I hope you’ve enjoyed Sandy’s words and Annie’s encouragement this Friday. Spring Break starts today for our kids and I’m telling you it couldn’t have come a moment too soon. We are alllllllllll ready for a little break and I’m looking forward to some lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sandy!! I will definitely look for this books. Such inspiring words.❤️


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